Amasi braaied chicken with charred leftover bread & tomato relish

Prep time

Cook time

The longer the chicken sits in the maas, the juicier and more tender it becomes.
- 12 Pieces Goldi Mixed Portions
- 1 Tbsp (15ml) Chicken spice, you can substitute with half a cube of chicken/veg stock, optional
- 1 cup (250ml) Amasi
- 1 Tbsp (15ml) oil
- 1 onion, sliced
- 3 tomatoes diced, or 1 can of tomatoes
- 2 carrots, grated
- 1 tsp (5ml) of sugar
- 1 tsp (5ml) of salt
- In a bowl, combine amasi and chicken spice, or ½ stock cube if using.
- Mix until the chicken spice is incorporated.
- Add the chicken pieces to the amasi and evenly coat.
- Marinade for 2 hours, and a minimum of 30 minutes.
- Remove chicken from marinade, shake off any excess marinade, but keep the amasi for basting.
- Over a medium hot fire, place chicken bone side down. Cook for 12 minutes (if possible covered). Turn chicken, baste, and cook for a further 8 minutes.
- (to test if the fire is ready; hold your hand above the coals for 5 - 8 seconds, if you have to pull your hand away sooner, the fire is too hot.)
- While the chicken is cooking, make your tomato relish. In a cast iron pan over the fire, or on a stove, add oil to the pan, and gently fry onions for 8 minutes, until golden in colour.
- Add your chopped tomatoes, sugar, salt and grated carrots and let simmer for about 2 minutes.
- Lightly char bread over the fire.
- To serve, add a dollop of the relish to bread and top off with chicken.